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Kimberly Quach

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Kimberly Quach is a Program Coordinator at the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University. Her primary focus is the Consortium’s work on participatory technology assessment (pTA), a method for bringing public perspectives into critical science and technology decisions. She has coordinated numerous public deliberation projects on topics such as driverless mobility, solar geoengineering research, and the future of the internet. She managed a pilot Public Interest Technology Community Innovation Fellowship to train the next generation of science-engagement professionals to collaborate with community partners to engage the public on science and technology issues in their local communities. She currently produces the Ongoing Transformation, a podcast featuring conversations about science, technology, policy, and society, to help bring these insights to new audiences. Prior to CSPO, she worked at the Ecological Society of America leading the U.S. recruitment for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

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