Past CSPO Events

  • October 22, 2015

    The Citizen between Science and Policy: Innovation in Governance and Climate Change Resilience

    On June 6, 2015, beginning at dawn in the Pacific Islands and ending at dusk in the American Southwest, 10,000 everyday citizens in 76 countries met to participate in the largest-ever public consultation on climate and energy. The results of the World Wide Views on Climate and Energy deliberations offer useful insight into citizens’ perspectives for addressing climate change and effecting a transition to low-carbon energy. On October 22, 2015, we will present and discuss the engagement model, key results, and policy implications of this unprecedented citizen engagement.

    Bruno Fulda, Daniel Sarewitz, Ashley Allen, Emily Therese Cloyd, Ana Unruh Cohen, Keya Chatterjee, Edward Maibach, Ellie Johnston, David Rabkin, Mahmud Farooque

  • October 09, 2015

    Nanotechnology Policy: Evolving and Maturing

    Nanotechnology policy discussions will soon enter a third decade. The initial generation focused on setting research priorities, investigating environmental impact, and contemplating societal implications even while improving understanding of the fundamental properties of nanomaterials. As nanotechnology applications increase in number and mature, including biomedical and infrastructural contexts, how should the science policy discussion evolve? This panel will remark on lessons learned, avenues to explore, and possible means forward.

  • October 06, 2015
    CNS Occasional Speaker

    China’s Science & Technology Policy – Can it Succeed?

    China’s National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology 2006-2020 and its likelihood of success

    CNS Occasional Speaker

    Lunch will be served to attendees registered for the event. Please register by ThursdayOctober 1, at

    Richard Appelbaum

  • October 05, 2015

    The Future of Medicine

    A panel discussion sponsored by School for the Future of Innovation in Society

    What do new insights mean for the future of medicine? How will they change the relationships between doctors and patients, and between people and the healthcare system?

    Neal Woodbury, Ben Hurlbut

  • October 01, 2015
    CSPO DC - New Tools for Science Policy

    From Asteroids to Oceans: Using Public Engagement to Inform Policy Decisions

    The Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (CSPO) and its partners have become global innovators in developing methods and tools that bring informed public voices and perspectives into critical scientific and technological decisions. At the next New Tools for Science Policy breakfast, we will present a model of public engagement that recently provided useful input for NASA’s Asteroid Initiative. Working through the Expert and Citizen Assessment of Science and Technology (ECAST) network, CSPO brought together university, museum, and client partners to provide an unprecedented, real-time technology assessment for a federal agency.

    Ira Bennett, Amy Kaminski, Darlene Cavalier, Mahmud Farooque, David Sittenfeld, David Tomblin, Jason Kessler, David Rabkin

  • September 30, 2015

    EnLIGHTeNING Lunch with Marisa Duarte

    Decolonial Design Values: Discerning Distinctively Indigenous Sociotechnical Approaches

    What happens when leaders in tribal border communities—places scored with years of racial conflict and questionable land claims—decide to built out digital infrastructures that challenge unpleasant values such as racial prejudice, xenophobia, and profiteering on impoverished populations?

    Marisa Duarte

  • September 25, 2015
    CSPO Occasional Seminar

    SFIS Seminar

    Innovations in Society: Insights from Science Communication Research

    Sponsored by the School for the Future of Innovation in Society

    Insights from Science Communication Research

    Dominique E. Brossard

  • September 21, 2015

    Diversifying the Climate Dialogue

    CSPO Conversations

    Cultivating public discourse and enlarging policy discussions have been central to our work at ASU’s Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (CSPO). As the next big international conference on climate change begins this fall in Paris, CSPO is pleased to host a dialog on ways to include perspectives that have not traditionally been part of the climate conversation. A diversity of voices is essential for confronting a problem as enormous as global climate change: engaging with differing perspectives helps discover innovative approaches and gains the support of citizens impacted by climate policies—policies that have often been plagued by divisiveness and gridlock. In discussing models for citizen engagement, including the recent World Wide Views deliberations on climate and energy, and by hearing from viewpoints that are frequently missing in climate debates, this CSPO Conversations event will inform and enrich our approach to climate change.

    Yves Mathieu, Christopher Shank, Jose Aguto, Daniel Sarewitz