Past CSPO Events

  • September 02, 2015

    Enlightening Lunch with Brian David Johnson

    Affective Computing (or Strange Little Computers That Do Strange Little Things)

    As we approach the year 2020 we will have the ability to turn anything into a computer. In the next 10 years, we will pass a point where the majority of computational intelligence will reside not in our devices but in the world around us. But what do we do with all that intelligence?

    Brian David Johnson

  • June 06, 2015

    World Wide Views Arizona

    Global Citizen Consultation on Climate and Energy

    100 citizens, selected to represent demographic diversity of Arizona, will join similar citizen groups in three U.S. cities and 80 countries in the world to discuss and express their views on an identical set of questions, designed to reflect policy controversies at the UNFCC negotiations to take place in Paris in December of this year (COP 21).

    David Guston, Patricia Reiter, Netra Chhetri, Mahmud Farooque

  • April 25, 2015

    Solar Soft Cost Reductions in PV and CSP: Mapping the Opportunities

    How could artificial intelligence help reduce the cost of building solar power plants? Leading experts in solar energy, artificial intelligence, and robotics will explore this and other questions at a workshop focused on reducing soft (i.e. non-hardware) costs in the solar energy sector.

  • April 24, 2015
    CSPO DC - New Tools for Science Policy

    Societal Aspects of Synthetic Biology

    Research Agendas

    At this seminar, Guston and Brian will present the initial results of their synthetic biology workshop and sketch out potential research agendas and scholarly and professional infrastructures to support an integrated research program that encourages awareness among all groups, facilitates better and closer collaboration and organization across the disciplines, and opens up possibilities for new research directions.

    David Guston, Jennifer Brian

  • April 22, 2015
    Co-sponsored, Energy and Society: Communities of Energy in Transition

    Building the Electricity System of the Future:

    Energy Communities Shaping Regional Transmission Organizations

    This talk will explore how stakeholders negotiate market rules and access and oversee electric system operations and planning.

    Brown bag talk – bring your lunch.

    Elizabeth Wilson

  • April 08, 2015

    EnLIGHTeNING Lunch with Susan Spierre Clark

    Climate Change, Games, and Resilience: A Sampling of Research by an Interdisciplinary Scholar

    This seminar will begin with a brief discussing of Dr. Clark’s dissertation work, which investigated the relationship between carbon emissions and human development among many countries as well as its implications for climate change policy and sustainable development. She will also describe her work in the area of sustainability education, where she has co-created a series of learning games that aim to experientially teach science and engineering students about ethics related to sustainability challenges, such as the Tragedy of the Commons and environmental externalities. If time allows, Dr. Clark will end with a general overview of her current work on socio-technical resilience.

    Pizza served, RSVP to [email protected] by noon on Tuesday, March 24



    Susan Spierre Clark

  • April 07, 2015
    Co-sponsored, Energy and Society: Communities of Energy in Transition

    Rationality vs. Imagination – Decision-making Skills for Shaping Climate Futures

    Numerous political, economic and social decisions require imagination: revolutions feed on imaginations of alternative political systems; new energy technologies demand imaginations of different governance and infrastructure systems; climate change requires imaginations of radically altered, social-ecological futures.

    Manjana Milkoreit

  • April 02, 2015
    CSPO Faculty Participation

    Climate Fiction – Science, Stories or Seeds of Transformation?

    (CSPO faculty participants.)

    The Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative invites you to a panel discussion on Cli-Fi that will discuss the nature and roots of the genre and its impact or influence beyond simply telling stories. Can a story trigger a social movement? Does it offer science lessons? Could a book change politics or societies?

    Manjana Milkoreit, Clark A. Miller