• Creating a taxonomic tool for technocracy and applying it to Silicon Valley

    Jathan Sadowski has co-authored an article in Technology in Society to advance theoretical understanding of the nature and scope of technocracy.

  • Unbelievable Roadmap

    At the Arizona Science Center, Ira Bennett recently participated on a panel of biomedical policy, education, and research leaders discussing where Arizona needs to go next.

  • Electric Utility Spiral

    E. Graffy

    Elisa Graffy, Professor of Practice at CSPO and Co-Director of Energy Policy, Law and Governance for ASU LightWorks, has a new article in the Energy Law Journal, which is available by open access at the journal website.

  • Interview with Chief Editor of Journal of Responsible Innovation

    An interview with David Guston, Chief Editor of the new Journal of Responsible Innovation, explores the objectives behind the development of this new publication.

  • Our High-Energy Planet

    The first report of the Climate Pragmatism project

    Drastically improved efforts to provide modern energy access to the poor opens up a new approach to development efforts and action on climate change, an international group of energy and environment scholars say in a new report, Our High-Energy Planet.

  • The Frankenstein Bicentennial Project

    Three Arizona State University researchers, including the co-director of CSPO, Dave Guston, have received a grant from the National Science Foundation to lead a workshop to build a global, multi-institutional network of collaborators to celebrate the bicentennial of the publication of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus.”

  • Climate change will reduce crop yields sooner

    Results from a new study co-authored by Netra Chhetri, a faculty member at the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes at Arizona State University, show global warming of only 2 degrees Celsius will be detrimental to three essential food crops in temperate and tropical regions.

  • Climate policy robs the world’s poor of their hopes

    “If we are forced to adapt to life on a planet with a less hospitable climate, the poor should at least confront the challenge with the same advantages that are enjoyed by the rich” say Dan Sarewitz and Roger Pielke in an article published in Financial Times.