• New book: Designing the New American University

    by Michael M. Crow and William Dabars

    Michael M. Crow and William Dabars examine the contemporary American research university from historical and theoretical perspectives in order to propose the new complementary model and present a case study of the reconceptualization of Arizona State University.

  • Narrative futures and the governance of energy transitions

    Article published in Futures

    Co-authors Clark A. Miller, et al. argue that futures approaches based on narrative strategies that encourage individual and collective storytelling offer a valuable tool for meeting challenges of governing complex energy systems.

  • There’s No Place Like Home

    Science, information, and politics in the Anthropocene

    “…remaking the relationship among humans, our knowledge of the world we inhabit, and the relationship between that knowledge and the choices we make about how to try to make the world better.”

    This article is part of Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University. On Thursday, Jan. 15, Future Tense will hold an event in Washington, D.C., titled “How Will Human Ingenuity Handle a Warming Planet?” For more information and to RSVP, visit the New America website.

  • cover of Reconstruction Sustainability Science by Thaddeus Miller

    Reconstructing Sustainability Science

    Knowledge and action for a sustainable future

    A new book by CSPO alum Thaddeus R. Miller addresses the growing urgency, complexity and “wickedness” of sustainability problems—from climate change and biodiversity loss to ecosystem degradation and persistent poverty and inequality—present fundamental challenges to scientific knowledge production and its use. While there is little doubt that science has a crucial role to play in our ability to pursue sustainability goals, critical questions remain as to how to most effectively organize research and connect it to actions that advance social and natural wellbeing.

  • Socio-energy systems design: A policy framework for energy transitions

    A new article by Clark A. Miller, Jennifer Richter and Jason O’Leary published in Energy Research & Social Science says significant changes to energy systems increasingly are accompanied by social, economic, and political shifts, and energy policy is a problem of socio-energy system design. The article offers a definition of socio-energy systems and reconceptualizes key questions in energy policy in terms of socio-energy systems change.

  • High-Energy Innovation Report

    High-Energy Innovation – A Climate Pragmatism Project

    New energy innovation report highlights central role of emerging economies

    The global landscape for clean energy innovation has never been more fertile. A new report coming from a partnership of ASU’s Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes and The Breakthrough Institute states that in order to supply the global public of clean, cheap energy, governments must strengthen international collaborative efforts. High-Energy Innovation is the second of three reports in the Climate Pragmatism project.

  • Science should keep out of partisan politics

    Worldview column in Nature by Dan Sarewitz

    The Republican urge to cut funding is not necessarily anti-science, and the research community ought not to pick political sides, says Daniel Sarewitz.

  • Illustration of journal cover

    Featured article in Environmental Science & Technology

    Illustrating Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment for Emerging Photovoltaic Technologies

    CSPO personnel Ben Wender, Rider Foley, Jathan Sadowski and David Guston are among the co-authors of an article featured in Environmental Science & Technology journal that introduces a novel framework for anticipatory life cycle assessment (LCA).