World Wide Views on Climate and Energy

[Video Credits: Kayla Nasiff] World Wide Views on Climate and Energy (WWViews on Climate and Energy) is a global citizen consultation, providing unique information about how far citizens around the world are willing to go, in order to deal with climate change and to bring forward an energy transition. Arizona State University (ASU) was the location for one of the four forums conducted in the United States, and it was organized by CSPO. On Saturday, June 6, 2015, citizens 18 and above, selected to reflect the demographic diversity in their countries or regions (at least 100 per country or region) attended daylong meetings, starting at dawn in the Pacific, and continuing until dusk in the Americas. All citizens received same information about pros, cons and views on different climate and energy policies, targets and measures (both in advance and on that day) and all meetings followed the same agenda and guidelines in order to make the results comparable. Click here to access the project page.