New Tools for Science Policy
Making Research Matter for Policy
Creating Real World Change
About the Seminar
February 02, 2023 9:00am—10:00am
“No one reads our papers,” is a common lament among policy researchers. It’s not far from the truth, but it misses the point. How do policymakers actually consume information, how do researchers get it to them, and how do we create real world change?
Robert Cook-Deegan (Arizona State University) has worked on both sides of the policy puzzle for over four decades. First at the congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), then the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), and now in academia, Cook-Deegan has seen how to put policy research into the hands of those actually making policy choices—passing legislation, preparing executive orders, legislative oversight of executive action, funding and budgeting, and other government actions—on a schedule and in a form useful to them.
On February 2 at 9 AM ET, join Robert Cook-Deegan for a New Tools in Science Policy seminar on how to achieve meaningful policy impacts through creating ongoing relationships with policymakers and understanding their needs. He will share three case studies on topics ranging from Alzheimer’s to integrating new technologies into the healthcare system. They vary in specificity and ripeness for policy change. The studies will illustrate which methods are best suited to different messages and to different policymaking audiences with different jurisdictions.
Location Information
ASU Barrett & O’Connor Center
1800 I St NW
8th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Additional Information
Event Policies:
- Attendees are required to show proof of up to date COVID-19 vaccination with ID.
- Breakfast will be provided.
- Doors open at 8:30AM ET.
- This event will also be livestreamed. Register here to attend virtually.
Seminar Video
Past Series
February 11, 2025 9:00am
Rethinking Containment: Deliberately Released Genetically Engineered Organisms
Emma Frow, Dalton George
October 03, 2024 3:30pm
Carbon Removal Social [Science]
Holly Buck, Sara Nawaz, Rory Jacobson, Marcela Mulholland, Amanda Borth
December 15, 2023 9:00am
Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Policy Pathways to a Positive AI Future
Andrew Maynard
November 17, 2023 9:00am
“Unacceptable Costs”: Managing for biological invasions and climate risks in the US Pacific Islands
Laura Brewington
October 30, 2023 9:00am
Patent Data & Publicly-Funded Research: Applications, Benefits, & Misuse
Bhaven N. Sampat
April 05, 2023 9:00am
Quantity over Quality: How to Solve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Ryan Cornell
March 29, 2023 9:00am
How Complexity Science Can Guide Urban Transformations
Bastian Alm, Shade Shutters
February 02, 2023 9:00am
Making Research Matter for Policy
Robert M Cook-Deegan
October 07, 2022 9:00am
Creating Justice, Trust, and Inclusivity in Climate Policymaking
Kaiping Chen