New Tools for Science Policy
Time to reassess the promise of nanotechnology?
An analysis of research, developments and commercialization
Drawing from work undertaken by Youtie, Shapira and their colleagues at Georgia Tech, the seminar will present evidence tracking nanotechnology research and commercialization and draw implications for anticipatory governance and public policy.
About the Seminar
February 19, 2013 8:30am—10:30am
Investment in Nanotechnology research is based on the promise of a transition to active nanotechnology, nanostructures, and nanodevices – everything from self-healing materials to molecular machines. But is such a transition really underway, and if so, then where and at what pace? What evidence can be gathered from large-scale analysis of global publications and patents? What insights can be gained by assessing the pace of transition and process of adoption for next generation nanotechnology? What could be the impact of these evidence and insights upon investment and research decisions in nanotechnology and its applications? Drawing from work undertaken by Youtie, Shapira and their colleagues at Georgia Tech, the seminar will present evidence tracking nanotechnology research and commercialization and draw implications for anticipatory governance and public policy.
Location Information
ASU Washington Center
1834 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20009
Seminar Video
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