CSPO Events

November 12, 2024 9:00am—5:00pm

FAS-CSPO Workshop: Community & Federal Capacity for S&T Participation

This workshop will identify approaches to better connect community organizations and the public with federal science and technology programs, as well as actions necessary for S&T programs to better engage communities. Through panels and case discussions, attendees will explore challenging questions around how federal agencies can resource, measure, and sustain community-based participation and engagement.

  1. Funding: Through what process should agencies identify research topics and questions that benefit communities? How do we better enable researchers from a mix of institutions to participate in projects that serve the public interest?
  2. Metrics: How do we better measure outcomes, looking beyond publications and patents?
  3. Outcomes: What needs to change to give credit and support to communities that participate in research and technology development?

Workshop outcomes will include an assessment of what has gone well and what needs to change for the future of federal agencies undertaking science policy projects that directly engage with communities around the country.

8:30am – Arrival (8th Floor, Arizona State University DC Center)

8:50am – Welcome and Introductions: Dan Correa (CEO, FAS) and Arthur Daemmrich (Director, CSPO)

9:00am – Panel Discussion: Federal agency initiatives to expand public participation in S&T

  • Victor McCrary, Vice Chair, National Science Board (NSF) and Vice President for Research, University of the District of Columbia
  • Lyric Jorgensen, Associate Director for Science Policy and Director of the Office of Science Policy, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Kei Koizumi, Principal Deputy Director for Science, Society, and Policy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Moderator:Jedidah Isler, Senior Fellow at FAS

10:05am – Break

10:15am – Group Dialogue / Open Framing / Goal Setting

11:00am – Case Discussion #1: How can we invest in research that benefits communities?

12:15pm – Lunch & Panel Discussion: Community engagement with science and technology initiatives

  • Kory Bailey, CEO, UpSurge Baltimore
  • Isaac McCoy, Dean, School of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Computational & Information Sciences, Stillman College
  • Fallon Wilson, Co-Founder, #BlackTechFutures Research Institute
  • Moderator: Mahmud Farooque, Associate Director, ASU CSPO

2:00pm – Case Discussion #2: In what ways can we better measure the impact of publicly-engaged science, research, and development?

3:15pm – Networking break

3:30pm – Case Discussion #3: How do we ensure communities receive sustained benefits from the outcomes of federally-funded science, research, and development?

4:30pm – General Discussion & Actionable Takeaways

  • Moderated by Grace Wickerson (Health Equity Policy Manager, FAS) & Arthur Daemmrich (Director, CSPO)

5:00pm – Closing remarks: Speaker to be confirmed

5:15pm – Networking Reception (Ground Floor, ASU DC Center)

For more information or if you would like to attend, please email Arthur Daemmrich at [email protected]