CSPO Events CSPO in DC
- December 13, 2019
New Tools for Science Policy
A New Global Model for Coastal Conservation
Innovative coastal conservation efforts can help protect sea turtles, sharks, and artisanal fisheries
Small-scale or artisanal fisheries are important for sustaining coastal ecosystems and livelihoods, but they are notoriously challenging to manage due to their decentralized, dynamic, and vulnerable nature.
In this New Tools breakfast seminar, Jesse Senko will share how his team is developing a twenty-first century global model for coastal conservation by innovating with fishers and conservation groups to promote environmentally and socially responsible fisheries.
Jesse Senko
- January 22, 2020
What will it take to transition to a sustainable future?
CSPO Open Workshop
Solutions to the critical and complex challenges of sustainability (such as deep decarbonization, food sufficiency, and equitable water and energy access) demand collaborations between universities, businesses, government, and civil society. In this CSPO open workshop, five academic leaders from ASU and The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Germany will propose questions, issues, and strategies for collaborative efforts to forge transitions to sustainability. Intensive discussion will follow, where workshop attendees are invited to bring the perspectives of their own institutions and experiences to engage and critique these ideas. The outcome of our deliberation will provide valuable input to the Global Sustainability Strategy Forum for further development of strategies for fostering transformation to a just and equitable sustainable society.
Sander van der Leeuw, Ilan Chabay, Peter Schlosser, Ortwin Renn, Solène Droy
- February 11, 2020
Lessons from the Yellow Vests, Grand Debates, and Citizen Assembly on Climate in France
Can citizen assemblies help overcome political gridlock and offer a route to effective national climate policies?
Other nations, including Scotland and England, are following France’s lead in convening their own citizen assemblies on climate. Will the United States be next? If so, what lessons might policymakers and organizers derive from Macron’s misadventure with climate politics and subsequent change of approach? Can citizen assemblies help to overcome political gridlock in order to implement effective climate policies?
Join Yves Mathieu of Missions Publiques, co-organizer of both the Grand Debates and the Citizen Assembly on Climate, in a CSPO Conversation moderated by Daniel Sarewitz.
Yves Mathieu, Daniel Sarewitz
- March 05, 2020
New Tools for Science Policy
Everything You Know about Shark Conservation Is Wrong
Despite their fearsome reputation, sharks have more to fear from humans than we do from them. Sharks are some of the most threatened animals in the world, with rapid and alarming population declines driven by unsustainable overfishing. As public concern for their conservation grows, the debate over the best policy solutions to protect sharks has become more heated. Further complicating the issue: much of the most widely shared information about sharks and their conservation is flat-out wrong.
Join ASU postdoctoral researcher and marine conservation biologist David Shiffman for a morning of learning ocean conservation policy and myth-busting some of the wrong information you’ve learned about how to protect sharks.
David Shiffman
- April 22, 2020
Webinar: Where’s Congress? Don’t Just Blame Trump for the Coronavirus Catastrophe
The United States has the world’s highest rating on the Global Health Security Index. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may well have the planet’s highest density of expertise in infectious disease. The nation had forewarning from its health experts and intelligence services that a pandemic was gestating in China and then southern Europe. So how is it possible that the United States mounted such an inept response to the coronavirus pandemic?
Join M. Anthony Mills (R Street Institute) and Robert Cook-Deegan (Arizona State University) for an in-depth conversation on fixing the broken links between expertise and governance, and on how improving the legislative branch’s capacity for understanding science and technology is necessary to ensure that the country is better prepared for the next public health crisis. Their new essay on this subject can be found at Issues in Science and Technology.
Robert M Cook-Deegan, Anthony Mills
- May 14, 2020
Webinar: Applying Engineering Lessons to Pandemic Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced challenges that are commonly dealt with in engineering in the United States. Policy responses to the pandemic could be improved with lessons from other types of infrastructure, and by investing in “efficient resilience” when it comes to medical infrastructure. Engineering professors Braden Allenby and Mikhail Chester take a close look at how engineered systems such as electric power, communications and transportation infrastructures deal with peak load, disaster recovery, and partial failure to offer ideas for building greater resilience into the US medical system and infrastructures that provide critical services during pandemics.
Braden Allenby, Mikhail Chester
- May 27, 2020
COVID-19 and the Mission of the US Public University
A virtual town hall discussion
How have public universities responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? As university presidents look toward resuming in-person classes in the fall, what have they learned from the crisis, how will their institutions evolve as a result, and what might that mean for the future of higher education in the United States? How will public universities adapt to the serious financial challenges likely to arise in states and the nation in the months ahead? Could the response to the pandemic translate into an enhanced role for America’s public universities in the restoration of the nation’s public health and the recovery of its economic and social wellbeing?
Please join the presidents of three of the nation’s premier public universities—Arizona State, Purdue, and the University of Washington—as they discuss “COVID-19 and the Mission of the US Public University.” Register for the online event and participate in this important conversation.
Ana Mari Cauce, Michael M. Crow, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr.
- May 27, 2020
Webinar: Are Bats Really to Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Bats have been identified by some experts, and in the media, as the culprits behind the costliest pandemic in modern history, even though the source and method of transmission of the novel coronavirus remain unclear. Despite a long tradition of being misunderstood and feared, bats have an outstanding record of living safely with humans. Exaggerated warnings of bat disease risks aren’t just misguided. They threaten the health of entire ecosystems and economies. Join Merlin Tuttle, one of the world’s leading bat scientists and conservation experts, to discuss the vital role bats play in ecosystems and how misplaced public health concerns are endangering these important mammals.
Merlin Tuttle
- June 11, 2020
Webinar: A Global Strategy for Preventing the Next Pandemic
Protection of biodiversity and animal habitat need to be on the front lines of the fight against deadly diseases. Habitat destruction and the wildlife trade are just two of the unsustainable practices that are increasing the likelihood of diseases such as COVID-19 making the leap from animals to humans. Conservation scientist Leah Gerber, the founding director of the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes at Arizona State University, proposes creating a global body with scientific heft and enforcement teeth to lead a sustained fight against the drivers of zoonotic disease.
Leah Gerber
- June 24, 2020
Webinar: Can Voting by Mail Ensure a Safe and Secure Election?
During a presidential election year, the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to disrupt the most important tenet of democracy: political representation. In response, many states are implementing or considering systems to allow citizens to vote by mail.
Although most observers find large-scale voter fraud unlikely, there are significant challenges to scaling up vote-by-mail. Officials need to address cybersecurity concerns and make absentee voting more widely accessible. Otherwise the system will be set up for failure—and this election will be remembered as the 2020 vote-by-mail fiasco.
On June 24 at 1:00 PM ET, join Maria Carnovale, lead policy analyst at Duke University’s Initiative for Science and Society, to discuss her Issues article, “Will the Idea of Vote-by-Mail Survive COVID-19?”
Maria Carnovale