Tess Doezema’s call to empower the EPA to ‘use a broader body of evidence than the strictly limited available evidence allowed under “sound science.”’
“Hey hey, ho ho, Monsanto has got to go!”
A long line of protesters snaked its way down Mill Avenue in Tempe, Ariz., last month, wearing bee costumes and holding signs identifying Monsanto as the target of their ire. Protests in the U.S. were held from Portland to Texas, as part of a recurring series of worldwide “Marches Against Monsanto.”
Participants aren’t militant leftists, fringe radicals, anti-science freaks — stereotypes some would like you to believe. Those in Tempe appeared to be a mish-mash of local citizens: parents pushing strollers, kids skipping along holding signs, young couples, students and professionals, cheering loudly as drivers enthusiastically honked their support. This is a movement of concerned citizens who suspect that their interests are going unprotected in decisions about how their food is grown, processed, regulated and labeled.
Read full article in The Hill.