CSPO People


Patrick Scannell


Patrick Scannell has had a 25 year career developing and commercializing innovative technologies. He has led major transformative projects in a variety of tech categories, from the early days of the Internet, to mobile phones, personal computers, Internet of Things, the cable industry, smart cars, and smart grid, as well as next generation platforms like augmented reality and stuff he can’t even talk about. He is comfortable and works regularly in a variety of ecosystems, from VC-backed tech startups up through and including Fortune 100 C-suite and national defense /government environments.

Over the last 5 years, Pat has spent the majority of his time looking at the cumulative effects of technology on the human condition, and on human cognition specifically. He has drafted three books, targeted at publication through Oxford University Press, that examine the co-evolution of cognition and ‘technology’ over the arc of human evolution. The first, The History of Thought, Book 1, co-authored with Chet Sherwood, Chair of Anthropology at George Washington University, looks at the evolution of cognition in pre-human species, from 63 million years ago to ~8 million years ago. The second, The History of Thought, Book 2, co-authored with Tim Taylor, University of Vienna, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Prehistory, examines the co-evolution of technology and cognition among human species, from 8 million years ago to present. The third book in the series, The Future of Thought, examines the dynamics in present and near-future state of human cognition, as a result of the changing technological environment in which humans’ live.

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