Wetmore, Jameson M. and Posner, Jonathan. June, 2009. "Should Corporations Contribute to Nano-Regulation." Nano Today, 4(3): 217-219.
Download PDFDr. Jonathan D. Posner is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering and adjunct professor in chemical engineering. Dr. Posner came to UW from Arizona State University where he continues his role as an adjunct professor in the Consortium for Science, Policy, & Outcomes (CSPO). Formerly he was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University and earned his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at University of California at Irvine. His research focuses on micron- and nanometer-length scale fluid dynamics and transport physics at the interface of chemistry, biology, and the environment. His work enables novel technologies in nano and microfluidic devices and electrochemical systems. Dr. Posner broadly applies his experimental and computational expertise to emerging challenges in human health and energy. Recent research projects in human health include the development of artificial nanomotors, separation and derection of biomolecules, and the preparation of nucleic acids for genetic sequencing. His energy research includes the development of nanoelectrode arrays for batteries and ultracapacitors as well as membrane-less fuel cells to power portable electronics and autonomous systems. He also studies the environmental and health impacts of engineered nanoparticles and interested in the regulation and ethics of nanotechnology. His interests include micro/nanofluidics, electrokinetics, colloids, electrochemistry, and the physics of nanoparticles at interfaces as it applies to applications in energy, health, and the environment. At CSPO, Posner has interest in the social implications of technology, role of science in policy and regulation, as well as ethics education. Dr. Posner was honored with a 2008 NSF CAREER award for his work on the physics of self-assembly of nanoparticles at fluid-solid and fluid-fluid interfaces. He has also been recognized for an ASU Mentor Award and for his Excellence in Experimental Research by the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics.
Wetmore, Jameson M. and Posner, Jonathan. June, 2009. "Should Corporations Contribute to Nano-Regulation." Nano Today, 4(3): 217-219.
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Posner, Jonathan and Wetmore, Jameson M. April, 2009. "Technologies of Distraction: Mobile Phones, iPods, and E-mail." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Cafe, Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, AZ.
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