CSPO People


Jose Aguto

Legislative Secretary, Sustainable Energy and Environment, Friends Committee on National Legislation


Jose Aguto is the Legislative Secretary of Sustainable Energy and Environment Program, which seeks to contribute to the restoration of our shared Earth so that every person’s potential may be fulfilled in and through peace, equity and justice.

The program leads advocacy efforts that are morally based, multi-faith, non-partisan and grassroots inspired, recognizing that bridges must be built across the partisan divides about climate disruption, for meaningful solutions to flow. Our Call to Conscience on Climate Disruption – based on the premise that a problem cannot be solved unless first admitted – is focused on manifesting soon, an official bipartisan declaration in Congress that climate disruption is real and human-caused and requires action.

Currently, Jose is on the advisory committees of Citizens Climate Lobby and the Center for Earth Ethics. Prior to joining FCNL in February 2012, Jose worked for the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) as the Policy Advisor tribal energy, environment, natural resource, and climate change issues. Prior to NCAI he worked to protect and advance tribal sovereignty over their lands, air and water as Senior Policy Advisor at EPA’s American Indian Environmental Office.

He has a B.A. in International Relations from Brown University, and a J.D. from Villanova University School of Law.

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