CSPO People

CSPO Alumni

Jared Owens

Communication and Engagement Coordinator, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University

Education: Bachelor of Science, Philosophy: C. Logic, Representation, & Reasoning | North Carolina State University


Jared Owens is the Communication and Engagement Coordinator at the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University.

Jared is a North Carolina State University valedictorian with an honors B.S. in Philosophy: Concentration in Logic, Representation, and Reasoning, and double minors in Psychology and Technology, Engineering, and Design Education. He is also the 2019 recipient of the NCSU Logic and Cognitive Science Initiative Award. While studying at NC State he worked for the university career center’s Career Identity Program, helping incoming students define their personal and professional values, research careers and degree programs that align with those values, and develop a plan of action for reaching professional goals. After graduation in 2020 he continued working with the university via the College of Engineering through engineering ethics guest lectures before joining the ASU team.

Outside academia Jared has served as a volunteer firefighter and is an instrument rated private pilot. In his free time he enjoys whitewater kayaking, cycling, automotive repair, and piano.

1 PublicationView All Publications

Owens, J, Diem, S, Farooque, M, & Verma November 13, 2024. "Public Engagement and Participatory Design Preparedness: Adapting Participatory Technology Assessment Methods for Design Science." Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 6.

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