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Noela Invernizzi

Federal University of Parana


10 PublicationsView All Publications

Davies, Sarah R. and Invernizzi, Noela. November, 2011. "Nanotechnology and the Private Sector: Innovation, Governance, and Regulation." Panel Organizer. Third Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, Tempe, AZ.

Kay, Luciano, Invernizzi, Noela and Shapira, Philip. October, 2009. "The Role of Brazilian Firms in Nanotechnology Development." Presentation. 2009 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, GA.

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Invernizzi, Noela, Foladori, Guillermo and Guivant, Julia. April 08, 2005. "Nanotecnologia e Sociedade." Jornal da Cincia, E-mail 2743.

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Foladori, Guillermo and Invernizzi, Noela. 2005. "Nanotecnologia: beneficio para todos o mayor desigualdad." Working Paper. Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

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Invernizzi, Noela, Foladori, Guillermo and Maclurcan, Donald. November 15, 2007. "The Role of Nanotechnologies in Development and Poverty Alleviation: A Matter of Controversy." AZojono Journal of Nantechnology Online.

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