CSPO People


Charles Herrick

Adjunct Faculty
New York University

Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President (ret.)
Stratus Consulting


Dr. Charles N. Herrick has consulted extensively with a wide range of US government agencies, providing analytical input and strategic direction on issues including climate change adaptation, acid rain, sustainable fisheries management, environmental indicators and public right-to-know, and control of invasive species. A leading expert in program evaluation, he designed program theories of change and evaluation frameworks to characterize a wide variety of program delivery mechanisms, process outputs, outcomes, and impacts for major foundations, government agencies, and nonprofit service-delivery organizations, including the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Sloan Foundation, Health Canada, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control.

As a consultant to municipal and water sector research foundations, he partnered with municipal and utility executives and managers to address topics including stormwater management, watershed management, organizational cultural change to support sustainable operations, climate change adaptation, emergency response planning, protection of critical information, and implementation and evaluation of environmental regulatory tools and programs.

Herrick is retired chief operating officer and executive vice president of Stratus Consulting. He is a seasoned executive with oversight experience across all corporate functions, including accounting and finance, human resources and benefits management, legal affairs, facilities management, business development, IT, administration and professional support services, contracts management, corporate communications, mergers and acquisitions, and risk management and audits. Throughout his career, Herrick maintained an active association with academia, teaching regularly and publishing frequently in the peer-reviewed literature. He is currently teaching a seminar on the “History of American Environmental Policy” at New York University’s Washington, DC Center. He is active in nonprofit board service.

2 PublicationsView All Publications

Herrick, Charles. 1992. "Science and Climate Policy: A History Lesson." Issues in Science and Technology, 8(2): 56-57.

Sarewitz, Daniel and Herrick, Charles. 2000. "Ex Post Evaluation: A More Effective Role for Scientific Assessments in Environmental Policy." Science, Technology, & Human Values, 25.3: 309-31.

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