CSPO People

Students and Visiting Researchers

Evan Garrison

Research Intern

Presidential Scholar
Mississippi State University


Evan Garrison is a research intern under Dr. Bhaven Sampat at CSPO in DC. His research areas include patent restoration under the Hatch-Waxman Act and NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. He is interested in science and technology policy, especially international space law and policy.

Currently a student at Mississippi State University, Evan is a presidential scholar majoring in Aerospace Engineering with minors in political science, pre-law, global engineering leadership, and mathematics. He is also an undergraduate researcher in the Computational Mechanics and Materials Laboratory, working with additive manufacturing. At the center of all these various projects and interests is a focus on promoting sustainability while spurring innovation. In the future, Evan desires to pursue a graduate degree in international science and technology law and policy. He hopes to research and produce policies that promote sustainability and international cooperation in space. In his free time, Evan can be found debating, playing ultimate frisbee, or hanging out with friends over a board game.

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