CSPO People

CSPO Alumni

Miles Brundage

HSD PhD Student


7 PublicationsView All Publications

Brundage, Miles. September, 2015. "Taking superintelligence seriously: Superintelligence: Paths, dangers, strategies by Nick Bostrom (Book Review)." Futures, 72: 32-35.

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Brundage, Miles. 2016. Modeling Progress in AI. AAAI 2016 International Workshop on AI, Ethics, and Society.

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Brundage, Miles, Doom, Travis, Fuller, Jen, Kennedy, Eric, Laird, Frank and O'Leary, Jason. 2014. The Rightful Place of Science: Government & Energy Innovation. Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes.

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Brundage, Miles and Bryson, Joanna. February 14, 2014. "Why Watson Is Real Artificial Intelligence." Online publication on Slate Future Tense.

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Brundage, Miles. 2014. "Limitations and risks of machine ethics Limitations and risks of machine ethics." Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 26(3): 355-372.

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