CSPO People


Lida Beninson

Program Officer, Board of Higher Education and Workforce, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Dr. Lida Beninson is a Program Officer with the Board of Higher Education and Workforce at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. With experiences in STEM education, data science, science and technology policy, biomedical research, and agricultural biotechnology, Lida pursues opportunities to serve society through her diverse scientific expertise. She served as Editor-in-Chief for The Journal of Science Policy and Governance and was a recipient of the AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award. While serving as an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow with the National Science Foundation’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) directorate, Lida engaged in cross-agency initiatives to improve diversity and inclusion in STEM fields, promote K-12 computer science education, and develop a federal strategic plan in data science research.

Lida received a Ph.D. in Integrative Physiology and graduate certificate in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and her B.A. with a double concentration in Neuropsychology and Education from Princeton University. Her passions include exciting people about science and transforming our scientific workforce to be more diverse and innovative.

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