CSPO People

Students and Visiting Researchers

Alexa Panati

Education: A.B. in Government and Philosophy


Alexa Panati is an undergraduate student at Georgetown University, majoring in Philosophy and Government with a minor in Tech, Ethics & Society. Her research explores the ethics and governance of AI and emerging technologies, with work specifically on autonomous vehicles, brain-machine interfaces, and platform and internet governance. Alexa brings experience from academic research at Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy as well as congressional policy work on AI in U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo’s office. 

Currently, Alexa is working with Dr. David Tomblin to publish a manuscript analyzing the results of CSPO’s Our Driverless Futures project. She is also working with the Federation of American Scientists to research and develop equitable R&D practices and policies in federally-funded science projects and agencies. 

Looking ahead, Alexa hopes to create and shape a future where technology serves the greater good in a just, equitable, and ethical way. 

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