
The CSPO Online Library contains an assortment of publications, by current and past CSPO personnel and affiliates, that relate to CSPO’s mission and work. The library will be updated on a continuing basis, and it is fully searchable. Also, it is indexed by author, title, year and publication type for easy reference.

When using material in this Library, please provide the complete and appropriate citation. When linking to a document in the Library, please also provide a link to CSPO’s Online Library ( If a downloadable copy of or a link to an item is not available in the Library, please contact the author directly.

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Farooque, Mahmud. 2024. "Editorial, Malevolent creativity and civil security." TATuP, 33(2).

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Dorit Barlevy, Eric Juengst, Jeffrey Kahn, Jonathan Moreno, Lauren Lambert, Alta Charo, Hervé Chneiweiss, Mahmud Farooque, David H Guston, Insoo Hyun, Paul S Knoepfler, Cynthia Selin, Rebecca Wilbanks, Manar Zaghlula, Christopher Thomas Scott, 2024. "Governing with public engagement: an anticipatory approach to human genome editing." Science and Public Policy, 00: 1-12.

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Farooque, Mahmud and Kessler, Jason. 2023. "How Would You Defend the Planet From Asteroids?." Issues in Science and Technology, 39(2): 74-80.

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Farooque, Mahmud, Ed. 2022. The Rightful Place of Science: New Tools for Science Policy, Vol II. Tempe, AZ: Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.

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Selin, C., Lambert, L., Morain, S., Nelson, J. P., Barlevy, D., Farooque, M., Manley, H., & Scott, C. T. 2023. "Researching the future: scenarios to explore the future of human genome editing." BMC Medical Ethics, 24(1): Article 72.

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Weller, Nicholas, Govani M. and Farooque M. 2022. Public Value Evidence for Public Value Outcomes: Integrating Public Values into Federal Policymaking. Day One Project, United States.

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Sittenfeld, D., Farooque, M., Helmuth, B., Benson, S., Hostetler, E., Choi, F., Weller, N., Nickerson, C., Todd, K. and Cavalier, D. 2022. "Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities: Informing Community Resilience Policies Through Local Knowledge, Community Values, and Community-Generated Data." Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 7(1): 33.

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Richter, Jennifer, Bernstein, Michael J. and Farooque, Mahmud. 2022. "The process to find a process for governance: Nuclear waste management and consent-based siting in the United States." Energy Research & Social Science, 87: 102473.

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Kaplan, Leah, Farooque, Mahmud, Sarewitz, Daniel and Tomblin, David. 2021. "Designing Participatory Technology Assessments: A Reflexive Method for Advancing the Public Role in Science Policy Decision-making." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171: 120974.

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