CSPO Events

April 01, 2014 10:00am—11:00am

Responsible Innovation Seminar

Andrew Maynard, NSF International Chair of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and Director of the University of Michigan Risk Science Center

The concept of Responsible Innovation is enshrined in the European Commissions vision for research and development, as documented in their Horizon 2020 strategy, and is gaining momentum worldwide as a potential new framing of technology innovation. It seeks to steer science and innovation in directions that are socially desirable while proactively avoiding emergent risks from new technologies. It is a direct response to growing concerns held by influential stakeholders that technology innovation, unfettered by social constraints, could lead to more harm than good.

Dr. Andrew Maynard is the NSF International Chair of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and Director of the University of Michigan Risk Science Center. His research primarily addresses the benefits, as well as the potential health, environmental and social impacts of technology innovation, using integrated approaches to explore effective solutions to emerging challenges. Maynard is particularly known for his work on nanotechnology, including the human health and environmental impacts of nanoscale materials, and has worked in the area as an academic, as a leader in the US federal government National Nanotechnology Initiative, and as Chief Science Advisory to the Woodrow Wilson Center Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. Maynard has previously testified before congressional committees, has served on National Academy panels and is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies. He currently teaches graduate courses on risk assessment, science communication, environmental health policy, professional development and entrepreneurial ethics, and lectures widely on technology innovation and responsible development. Maynard has published on technology innovations in leading journals, including Nature and Nature Materials, and is also a well-known communicator of science to non-expert audiences. He is active in exploring ways of using emerging media to connect science and analysis with new audiences.

Co-sponsored with the Fulton Schools of Engineering

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