CSPO Events

April 18, 2024 9:00am—April 20, 2024

Citizens’ Assembly School

Citizens’ Assemblies are innovative forums where a randomly selected group of people comes together to learn, deliberate, and make recommendations on complex policy issues. These assemblies reflect the broader community, ensuring that all voices, especially those often underrepresented, are heard. It’s democracy in action, where participants are empowered to critically engage with evidence, discuss different viewpoints, and collaboratively propose solutions.

In this program you will learn indispensable skills and knowledge to conduct successful deliberative processes. Train from local and international experts to start driving democratic innovation!

Zakia Elvang


Yves Dejaeghere

Executive Director, FIDE – Europe



Sarah Yaffe

Director, MASS LBP


  • An Overview of Citizens’ Assemblies in North America: Regulatory Assemblies and Digital Assemblies
  • Youth/Student Assemblies



Philip Lindsay

Democracy Innovation Program Manager, The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities


  • CUNY Assembly Process: how to build and leverage CA ecosystems




Peter MacLeod

President and Founder, MASS LBP


  • Landing with the Administration – how to build in follow-up and ensure government accountability




Marjan Ehsassi

Executive Director, FIDE – North America

Welcome remarks.





Linn Davis

Program Co-Director at Healthy Democracy


  • Democratic lottery, recruitment, and inclusion
  • An Overview of Citizens’ Assemblies in North America: Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel



Laura Wood

Vice President, Local Policy Lab


  • The Local Policy Lab’s Democracy Plan



Jonathan Moskovic

Innovations Advisor to the Brussels Parliament


  •  Citizens’ Assemblies – Perspectives from around the world: Brussels and Mixed Deliberative Committees – Solving Public Problems with Elected Representatives



Jacob Birkenhäger

Head of Business Unit, IFOK


  • Citizens’ Assemblies – Perspectives from around the world: The German Deliberative Experience and Social Cohesion



Ian Walker

Executive Director, newDemocracy


  • The most important question – How to frame a remit for impact



Hollie Russon Gilman

Senior Fellow, New America


  • Moderator – An Overview of Citizens’ Assemblies in North America




Forrest Sparks

The Assembly Project


  • CUNY Assembly Process: how to build and leverage CA ecosystems



Christine Lopes Metcalfe

Program Director, Local Policy Lab


  • Citizens’ Assemblies – Perspectives from around the world, Moderator



Art O’Leary

Chief Executive of Ireland’s Electoral Commission


  • Solving intractable problems: learnings from Ireland’s experience in building a robust deliberative culture



Amanda Borth

Associate Researcher, Consortium for Science Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University


  • Democracy & Science: Integrating Community and Stakeholder Values into Deliberation Design


Arthur Daemmrich

Director, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes and Local Policy Lab

Welcome remarks.





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